Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Twilight Guardian Nominated for Comic Geek Speak Awards!

It's been a while since I've posted, gang, but with the TG mini-series in the works, you'll be seeing a lot more around these parts. A couple of things immediately:

The fine folks at Comic Geek Speak were kind enough to nominate Twilight Guardian in the categories of "Best New Hero" and "Best Sleeper Hit/Surprise" in their 2008 CGS Awards. If you are so moved, you can vote for it here.

Also, the Pilot Season 2008 trade paperback is out in April (should be solicited in the new Previews), and this is the cover:


Juggling Jason said...

Congrats Troy! I like the rendering of Twilight in that piece. She has an almost knowing smirk.

And you know what? The mini will be out soon! ohboyohboyohboyohboyohboyohboyohboyohboy

michaeljsmith said...

congrats on the nomination... interesting to see where you will take the story in the mini

Anonymous said...

You got my vote in both categories. Looking forward to the miniseries!

RatatoskrTan said...

I've just read the pilot season issue and i think it's one of the best things I've read in years, can't wait for the mini!